Let Students Experience Science

This article was first published at MENTOR ED on 11 September 2015. MENTOR ED is an interactive online platform designed for international volunteers team under Noble Mission for Change Initiative to support educators (mainly in Nigeria) to deliver quality education for children.

Hello Science Teachers,

Have you ever observed how your students behave in your class? Do they seem bored or do they seem interested? Do they learn the material because they want to enrich their knowledge or merely to pass the examination? Do they seem eager to discuss the matter with you outside of the classroom or do they want to finish your class fast? Continue reading

Echolocation: See with Your Ears !

In the latest Godzilla movie, Dr. Joe Brody detected a M.U.T.O (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism) by using a technology called “echolocation”: sending some signals to the surrounding and analyzing the echoes to locate and identify objects. Continue reading